Jack McInnes

Jack McInnes

McInnes Law LLC

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Practice area: Class action, Employment and labor, Personal injury, Litigation




Jack has been litigating on behalf of plaintiffs in complex contingency fee cases for a decade. Clients typically don't pay him by the hour. He only gets paid by defendants if his clients win.
Jack represents individuals and businesses in a variety of legal areas, including class and collective actions, wage and hour violations, commmercial litigation, products liability, consumer protection, automobile defects, pharmaceutical litigation, individual employment disputes and catastrophic personal injuries.
Jack has fought against many of the biggest companies in the country, including General Motors, Walmart, RJ Reynolds, Merck and the pizza delivery industry. He has obtained large settlements for clients in Kansas, Missouri and across the country.
Jack received both his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Kansas. At law school, he was elected to the Order of the Coif after finishing in the top 10 of his graduating class. He also won an award for outstanding legal writing.
Before founding McInnes Law LLC, Jack was a founding partner of Paul McInnes LLP and worked at several highly respected Kansas City law firms, including Stueve Siegel Hanson LLP, and Shughart, Thomson & Kilroy P.C. (now Polsinelli).
Jack is an experienced, trustworthy and energetic attorney. He enjoys representing clients on a contingency fee basis, and he does it well.


Address: 3500 West 75th Street, Suite 120, Prairie Village, KS, USA

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