Rachel Bussett

Rachel Bussett

Partner with Bussett Legal Group, PLLC

Accurate profile (4 sources)


Rating 4.53 stars 2 Reviews, 13 Recommendations

Practice area: Business, Family, Employment and labor, Personal injury, Free Consultation (30 minutes)




First and foremost, I am a trial attorney.  I practice in many areas of law in state, federal and municipal court.  I know what is necessary to build a case and to present it to a judge or jury so that you win. Being a trial attorney is not a skill that all lawyers have.  A good trial attorney is a good story teller who uses their knowledge of the evidence and the law to convey the story of your case to the judge and the jury so you win.  Regardless of the area of law you need assistance in, when I accept you as a client I prepare your case from day one as if it is going to be tried to a judge or jury.  Preparing a case in this mindset ensures that throughout the process of developing your case, no stone goes unturned and we examine every possible avenue of recovery.  This approach also lets our opposing counsel know that we aren't making frivilous claims looking for nuisance value settlements.  If we file a claim on your behalf its because I believe in it enough to invest my own time and money to help you.
I think the most important thing that every client and attorney need is a trust relationship.  Clients rely on the attorney in times of high conflict and turmoil.  You must pick an attorney whom you absolutely trust to not just tell you what you want to hear but also what you need to hear.  A good attorney listens to thier clients and knows what the goal is from the start of a claim.  Further as litigation progresses, a good attorney is able to watch for the signs of impending victory or defeat to steer the case back on path and onto the right path to vistory.
I believe our judicial system is the best in the world. I believe in the power of the jury system and the integrity of our courts.  This doesn't mean that I believe the system is perfect as there is always room for improvement. However, I do believe our system is set up to be just and fair to all parties. Civil rights and protecting the rights of the most vuneralble people in our society is a passion of mine.  I believe in fighting causes because its the right thing to do regardless of money.  To change the world we all have to be wiling to step out onto the limbs of life and take a leap of faith.
I promise that if you choose me and Bussett Legal Group as the firm you want to take a leap of faith with, we will be by your side fighting everyday from the first day to get you what you deserve out of your lawsuit.


Address: 414 NW 4th St., Suite 200, Oklahoma City, OK, USA

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