Robert H.

Robert H.

Family Law, Business Law, Mediation, and Estate Planning serving individuals & companies in Kitsap & King counties

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Rating 4.25 stars 1 Reviews, 1 Recommendations

Practice area: Divorce and separation, Estate planning, Business, Family, Free Consultation (15 minutes)




Since 1998, Robert Huber has successfully represented businesses, individuals, and families in Bainbridge Island, Poulsbo, Kitsap County and Seattle metropolitan area and King County. He provides each client with the focused, personal attention necessary to understand their unique situation and needs. Robert Huber helps clients see the big picture and help them reach their goals by providing expert counsel, planning and assistance in a personable, cost-efficient manner.
Mr. Huber is a long-time Seattle area resident, has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Washington, and studied law at the University of Washington Law School, being admitted to the Washington state bar in 1998. After serving as in-house counsel in the technology sector for a number of years and being named a "Rising Star" by Washington Law and Politics, he launched his solo law practice in 2004.
Admitted to the Washington State Bar Association and am a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, King County Collaborative Law, Collaborative Professionals of Washington, and the WSBA Family Law section, WSBA Business Law section, and WSBA Alternative Dispute section. Mr. Huber volunteers mediating disputes at the Kitsap Dispute Resolution Center and providing pro bono legal services at neighborhood clinics.
When relaxing away from the office, he enjoys biking, hiking, swimming, backpacking and camping with his two children. He currently resides on Bainbridge Island and serves clients on Bainbridge Island, Poulsbo, Silverdale, the greater Seattle area, and throughout King County and Kitsap County.


Address: 793 Ericksen Ave NESte 127, Bainbridge Island, WA, USA

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