Steven T.

Steven T.

Attorney, Corporate & Business Law

Accurate profile (3 sources)


Rating 3.22 stars 2 Reviews, 4 Recommendations

Practice area: Bankruptcy and debt, Foreclosure, Business, Litigation, Intellectual property




Resident of Lee County for over 18 years.  Married with two daughters, I enjoy outdoor activies and spending time with my family.  I grew up in a blue collar town and spent most of my college and career in manufacturing, having my formal training as an engineer and business.  I began my law career in intellectual property and returned to practicing law to keep my family in Southwest Florida not for any dream of riches or glory.
I am not a fan of lawyers or the complexities created by our legal system for the everyday person and work hard to provide services to people when involvement with our legal system is unavoidable.  My thought processes and analysis of issues are founded in engineering principles and are, therefore, grounded and sensible to most clients.  I have a strong work ethic and a passion to help my clients, believing that everyone should have the opportunity to be heard and treated fairly.


Address: Neaher & Teuber, P.L.2240 W First St Ste 100, Fort Myers, FL, USA

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