James Fletcher

James Fletcher

Senior Trial Attorney at Hamilton-Grant Attorneys

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Rating 4.97 stars 2 Reviews, 0 Recommendations

Practice area: DUI and DWI, Criminal defense, Sex crime, Domestic violence, Free Consultation (30 minutes)




I have tried over 40 jury trials as lead counsel, from voir dire to verdict, and assisted as secondary counsel on countless others. I have dedicated my practice to the art of jury trials, including preparation, planning, strategizing, selecting a jury, and the battle of a contested case. I take pride in representing my clients through extremely trying circumstances in their life, and am proud to have secured Not Guilty verdicts on their behalf. It takes someone who knows what they are doing in a court room to defend anyone accused of a crime in Texas. I am unafraid to stand and deliver in front of a group of strangers and advocate voraciously on my client's behalf.
I grew up in Houston, Texas, both in my personal life and attorney life. I learned how to defend DWI and Criminal Defense cases in the 4th biggest city in the nation, practicing there for four years until relocating to Austin, Texas. Now I am proud to offer my services to all citizens accused in the Austin, Travis County, and surrounding areas, inclunding Williamson County, Travis County, Hays County, and Bexar County.


Address: 1802 W. 6th Street, Austin, TX, USA

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