Jonathan Fields

Jonathan Fields

Family Law Litigator / Mediator + AAML Fellow

Accurate profile (2 sources)


Rating 5 stars 2 Reviews, 2 Recommendations

Practice area: Mediation, Divorce and separation




Mr. Fields believes that while the law is always critical in a family law case, his experience has taught him that most of the time it is the psychodynamics of the parties and counsel that determine whether and how a case settles.  That is why process is so critical to resolution — and why choosing the right “container” is vital.  Put another way: “getting there” is important but the way you get there is just as important.  Mediation may work for some clients.  Collaborative Law may work for others.  Sometimes, a more traditional representation or litigation is appropriate.  Often, there may be a creative combination of processes that will suit a certain dynamic.


Address: 80 William Street.Suite. 210, Wellesley, MA, USA

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