Ruzanna Poghosyan, Esq.

Ruzanna Poghosyan, Esq.

Criminal Defense /Trial Skills at Trial Lawyers College, Wayoming

Accurate profile (3 sources)


Rating 4.85 stars 2 Reviews, 0 Recommendations

Practice area: Criminal defense, Federal crime, Free Consultation (30 minutes)




I truly believe in providing you with just and fair representation. I have not become an attorney for the title; rather than for the honor to persevere in excellence. I have chosen Criminal Defense because it’s what I do best, defending is the only thing I know how to do, I guess I could say, I was just born this way.
I can’t describe why I am a certain way and other lawyers aren’t. There are always those that have a better track record, more experience, have a distinctive focus in law, most affordable, and etc. I can only speak for myself by saying that I am in the Top 100 National Trial Lawyers, a part of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; a graduate of Gerry Spence Trial Lawyers College; describe to you why I chose Criminal Defense, and inform you with the number of years I have been practicing law.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, what differentiates me is that, there is only one of me. I am Criminal Defense Attorney Ruzanna Poghosyan. I am not a clone, not a duplicate, not a twin, not a fake, I am me.


Address: 16861 Ventura Blvd.Suite 305, Encino, CA, USA

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