Victor Jackson

Victor Jackson

Attorney at Robert J. Debry & Associates

Accurate profile (2 sources)


Rating 4.45 stars 2 Reviews, 2 Recommendations

Practice area: Personal injury, Animal and dog bites, Motorcycle accident, Wrongful death




I've been practicing law for 13 years and am licensed in CA (inactive) and UT. I recently refocused my career on personal injury and am loving the opportunity to help people who have been hurt. I'm working with a team of top notch attorneys at Robert J. Debry and Associates. I'm a laundry-ninja and avid reader. I practice Muay Thai and love getting outside. I'm an abolitionist (see O.U.R Rescue) and try to make a difference where I can. I like crunchy peanut butter on my waffles and have a weakness for chocolate. I'm a proud father and hope that my children grow up to be better than I am. I'm fortunate to be married to the beautiful and talented Molly Bice Jackson (who you may have seen performing in various theatres, on TV, or followed on social media - she's much prettier than me). Having lost our first child Lucy in a tragic accident we started a charity (A Good Grief) to help others deal with loss. While we no longer operate the charity (raising kids is hard work) we still try to serve in our communities and look for ways to make the world a better place. I'm committed to my helping my clients and the people around me because I believe we can all improve our lives and help others to be healthier, happier, and wiser.


Address: 4252 S 700 E, Salt Lake City, UT, USA

Phone: (801) 262-8915

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