Victoria Kelly

Victoria Kelly

Principal of Victoria Eve Kelly, LLC

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Practice area: Tax, Estate planning




I used to think estate planning was just about assets, and who gets what.
I was wrong. Since then I've faced my own estate planning challenges, and seen first-hand what happens when planning is inadequate. One couple avoided doing a will, exposing their beloved child to the risk of becoming a ward of the state, because they didn't know whom to name as a guardian. An elderly man lost phone service because no one was authorized to help him pay the bills. I spoke about these, and other challenges, in my presentation to the National Association of Financial Planners Baltimore Study Group, "Estate Planning . . . and What Happens If You Don't". Please let me assist you in preparing the right estate documents so you and your loved ones can avoid these problems.
I've also been involved with taxation for decades, and find tax law endlessly fascinating. Earlier in my career, I took every litigation clinic I could in law school, and started in litigation after graduation. Combined with my tax experience, I've helped with numerous tax controversies in my capacity as a lawyer, and as a Maryland state volunteer for the National Association of Tax professionals. I also prepare tax returns as part of my practice, and use the audit prevention technique I spoke about in my presentation for Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service, "Audits of Individuals and Small Business", by including explanation and documentation to address concerns we anticipate the IRS may have. In other words, I answer questions before the IRS can ask them. It would be my privilege to assist you with your tax controversies and filings.
I take your issues personally. I listen to you, take the time to understand your goals, and work with you to achieve them. I ask for your honesty, and pledge, in turn, to bring my 36 years' experience to the issues you entrust to me, to keep you informed, respond to your communications, and deliver work in a timely manner.
I'm admitted in Maryland, D.C. and New York, U.S. Tax Court, and U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland. I'm proud of my pro bono service through Wills for Heroes, D.C.'s Probate Digest, Probate Resource Center, and Small Business Advisory Clinic. My work was spotlighted in Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service June 2017 newsletter.
Prior affiliations include BNA's Tax Management Portfolio's, H&R Block, Sachs & Taylor in D.C., Chrysler Capital Realty Inc. in Greenwich, Connecticut, and Epstein, Becker, Borsody & Green in New York City.
In my spare time, I sing with Capital Accord Chorus, a Sweet Adelines barbershop chorus.


Address: Victoria Eve Kelly LLC Ste 750 10411 Motor City Dr, Bethesda, MD, USA

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