Natalie Hedman

Natalie Hedman

Hedman Family Law L.L.C.

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Practice area: Divorce and separation, Child custody, Child support, Domestic violence




Natalie Hedman's practice focuses on complex divorce, complex child custody cases, parenting time, child and spousal support, legal separations, domestic partnerships, modifications, division of assets and business interests.  She also represents parents, grandparents, stepparents and other family members in defense of or requests for third-party custody and psychological parent rights. Natalie is especially passionate about child safety and regularly helps parents obtain temporary orders to protect a child’s psychological or physical welfare through immediate danger orders or status quo orders.
Natalie also has helped people on both sides of family abuse restraining orders, elder abuse restraining orders and sexual abuse protective orders. Natalie's experience as a family law attorney and a parent gives her both a legal and a personal perspective on difficult cases. You will find Natalie understands the place you are coming from and exactly how personal it is for you and will help you find the best solutions for your family.  In other words, when you meet Natalie, you will find someone who knows how to be the strongest advocate on your behalf.
Stakes are especially high when protecting your children. If you are needing to protect your child, she will ensure you fully understand your legal options and involve you in every decision in a way that honors your dignity while doing everything she can to keep your child safe.
Natalie balances her demanding yet rewarding work with her husband, her kiddo, two dogs and a cat.  Natalie also enjoys volunteering in various areas of need, trail running, hiking, biking and singing jazz.


Address: Gresham Family and Bankruptcy Law1217 NE Burnside Rd. set 204, Gresham, OR, USA

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