Max Ruthenberg-Marshall

Max Ruthenberg-Marshall

Family Law for the Modern Family

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Practice area: Family




Margaret “Max” Ruthenberg-Marshall is an experienced attorney who focuses her practice exclusively on family law. Prior to opening her own firm, Max worked for a well-known family law firm in metro Atlanta. Max knows that it is not only her knowledge, but also her compassion that is important in assisting her clients through the stressful domestic litigation process. Max is committed to making the litigation process as stress-free and cost-effective as possible for her clients as she advocates for their goals.
In addition to her work representing clients, Max serves as a court-appointed Guardian ad Litem, representing the interests of children in contested custody cases. Max’s work as a Guardian also helps her advocate for parents in contested custody cases, since she has experience working both as an advocate for parents and an advocate for children. This experience is particularly helpful when representing a parent in a custody case where the Court appoints a Guardian to the child, since that parent’s case needs to be advocated both to the Judge and to the Guardian.
Max also has extensive experience working with victims of domestic violence both in pursuing Temporary Protective Orders (TPO) and in divorce and other family law cases where there is a history of domestic violence. Max understands the unique challenges victims of domestic violence face and how participating in litigation can compound these issues.


Address: 708 Church Street, Decatur, GA, USA

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